Sunday, May 17, 2020

Old Smyrna - The Possible Home of Homer in Anatolia

Old Smyrna, also known as Old Smyrna Hà ¶yà ¼k, is one of several archaeological sites within the modern day limits of Izmir in Western Anatolia, in what is today Turkey, each reflecting early versions of the modern day port city. Prior to its excavation, Old Smyrna was a large tell rising approximately 21 meters (70 feet) above sea level. It was originally located on a peninsula jutting into the Gulf of Smyrna, although natural delta buildup and changing sea levels have moved the location inland about 450 m (about 1/4 mile). Old Smyrna lies in a geologically active region at the foot of Yamanlar Dagi, a now-extinct volcano; and Izmir/Smyrna has been subjected to numerous earthquakes during its long occupation. Benefits, however, include the ancient baths called the Agamemnon hot springs, found near the southern coast of Izmir Bay, and a ready source of building material for architecture. Volcanic rocks (andesites, basalts, and tuffs) were used to build many of the public and private structures within the town, alongside adobe mudbrick and a small amount of limestone. The earliest occupation at Old Smyrna was during the 3rd millennium BC, contemporaneous with Troy, but the site was small and there is limited archaeological evidence for this occupation. Old Smyrna was occupied fairly continuously from about 1000-330 BC. During its heyday in the mid 4th century BC, the city contained about 20 hectares (50 acres) within its city walls. Chronology Hellenistic period, ~330 BCVillage period, ~550 BCLydian Capture, ~600 BC, after which Smyrna was abandonedGeometric, strong Ionic influence by 8th century, new city wallProtogeometric, beginning ~1000 BC. Aeolic wares, probably a small anchorage of some kindPrehistoric, 3rd millennium BC, first habitation, prehistoric According to Herodotus among other historians, the initial Greek settlement at Old Smyrna was Aeolic, and within the first couple of centuries, it fell into the hands of Ionian refugees from Colophon. Changes in pottery from monochrome Aeolic wares to polychrome painted Ionic wares are in evidence at Old Smyrna by the early 9th century  and clear domination of the style by the beginning of the 8th century. Ionic Smyrna By the 9th century BC, Smyrna was under Ionic control, and its settlement was quite dense, consisting mainly of curvilinear houses packed tightly together. The fortifications were remodeled during the second half of the eighth century and the city wall extended to protect the entire south side. Luxury goods from across the Aegean became widely available, including export wine jars from Chios and Lesbos, and balloon amphorae containing Attic oils. Archaeological evidence suggests Smyrna was affected by an earthquake about 700 BC, which damaged both houses and the city wall. Afterward, curvilinear houses became a minority, and most architecture was rectangular and planned on a north-south axis. A sanctuary was constructed at the north end of the hill, and settlement spread outside the city walls up into the neighboring coast. At the same time, evidence for an improvement in architecture with volcanic block masonry, the apparently widespread use of writing, and remodeling of public buildings suggest new prosperity. An estimated 450 residential structures were located within the city walls  and another 250 outside the walls. Homer and Smyrna According to an ancient epigram Many Greek cities argue for Homers wise root, Smyrna, Chios, Colophon, Ithaca, Pylos, Argos, Athens. The most important poet of ancient Greek and Roman writers was Homer, the archaic period bard and author of the Iliad and the Odyssey; born somewhere between the 8th and 9th centuries BC, if he lived here, it would have been during the Ionian period. There is no absolute evidence for his birth location, and Homer may or may not have been born in Ionia. It seems fairly likely that he lived at Old Smyrna, or someplace in Ionia such as Colophon or Chios, based on several textual mentions of the River Meles and other local landmarks. Lydian Capture and the Village Period About 600 BC, based on historical documentation and a predominance of Corinthian pottery amongst the ruins, the prosperous city was attacked and captured by Lydian forces, led by the king Alyattes [died 560 BC]. Archaeological evidence associated with this historic event is shown by the presence of 125 bronze arrowheads and numerous spearheads embedded in demolished housewalls destroyed in the late 7th century. A cache of iron weapons was identified in the Temple Pylon. Smyrna was abandoned for some decades, and reoccupation seems to come about the middle of the sixth century BC. By the fourth century BC, the town was a flourishing port city again, and it was refounded and moved across the bay to New Smyrna by the Greek generals Antigonus and Lysimachus. Archaeology at Old Smyrna Test excavations at Smyrna were conducted in 1930 by Austrian archaeologists Franz and H. Miltner. Anglo-Turkish investigations between 1948 and 1951 by Ankara University and the British School at Athens were led by Ekrem Akurgal and J. M. Cook. Most recently, remote sensing techniques have been applied to the site, to produce a topographic map and record of the ancient site. Sources Flickrite Kayt Armstrong (girlwithatrowel) has amassed a collection of photos of Old Smyrna.Berge MA, and Drahor MG. 2011. Electrical Resistivity Tomography Investigations of Multilayered Archaeological Settlements: Part II – A Case from Old Smyrna Hà ¶yà ¼k, Turkey. Archaeological Prospection 18(4):291-302.Cook JM. 1958/1959. Old Smyrna, 1948-1951. The Annual of the British School at Athens 53/54:1-34.Cook JM, Nicholls RV, and Pyle DM. 1998. Old Smyrna Excavations: The Temples of Athena. London: The British School at Athens.Drahor MG. 2011. A review of integrated geophysical investigations from archaeological and cultural sites under encroaching urbanisation in Izmir, Turkey. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36(16):1294-1309.Nicholls RV. 1958/1959. Old Smyrna: The Iron Age Fortifications and Associated Remains on the City Perimeter. The Annual of the British School at Athens  53/54:35-137.Nicholls RV. 1958/1959. Site-Plan of Old Smyrna. The Annual of the Br itish School at Athens 53/54.Sahoglu V. 2005. The Anatolian trade network and the Izmir Region during the Early Bronze Age. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 24(4):339-361.Tziropoulou-Efstathiou A. 2009. Homer and the So-Called Homeric Questions: Science and Technology in Homeric Epics. In: Paipetis SA, editor. Science and Technology in Homeric Epics: Springer Netherlands. p 451-467.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Heart Of Heart Failure - 1503 Words

Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood through to meet the body s needs for blood and oxygen. Basically, the heart can t keep up with its workload. American Heart Association Statistics (2016) reveals that heart failure accounts for 36% of cardiovascular disease deaths. Projections report a 46% increase in the prevalence of Heart Failure (HF) by 2030 by affecting over 8 million people above 18 years with the disease. Healthy People 2020 goals are focused on attaining high quality longer lives free of preventable diseases, promotion of quality of life, healthy development and healthy behaviors across all stages of life (Healthy People 2020, 2015). Briefly discuss the symptoms of right- and left-sided HF. Heart failure can be attributed to either right sided, left or both. Left-sided heart failure is of two types, systolic failure and diastolic failure. Systolic failure is the when the left ventricle loses its ability to contract normally. The heart cannot pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation. Diastolic failure is when the left ventricle loses its ability to relax normally. Which results in the heart not being able to fill with blood during the resting period. Both result in a decrease in cardiac output. (AHA, 2012). A decrease in the cardiac output into the systemic circulation causes blood to accumulate in the left ventricle, left atrium, and pulmonary circulation. This increaseShow MoreRelatedHeart Failures Of Heart Failure782 Words   |  4 Pages Heart failure describes a medical condition when the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to the body [85]. While heart failure does not mean the immediate stopping of the heart, it is a serious and fatal co ndition. A study has found that the 4-year mortality rate for chronic heart failure was 43% for patients with preserved systolic function, and 54% for patients with reduced systolic function [86]. Heart failure is prevalent, with about 2-3% of adults worldwide showing signs of heart failureRead MoreThe Heart Of Heart Failure1167 Words   |  5 PagesAmericans have been diagnosed with heart failure† (Mancini Colombo, 2015, p. 2542). Heart failure is a condition where the heart does not pump as efficiently; therefore, it does not meet the needs of the body. There is a growing number of heart failure patients each year. â€Å"More than 300,000 deaths per year are attributed to heart failure, and the annual cost to manage these patients is close to $40 billion† (Mancini Colombo, 2015, p. 2542). Since the heart failure population is steadily growingRead MoreThe Heart Of Heart Failure995 Words   |  4 PagesResearch by the American Heart Association (2014) states tha t heart failure effects an estimated 5.1 million Americans and it is predicted to increase 25% by 2030. Heart failure is a pathophysiological condition that indicates the heart is unable to promote enough cardiac output causing insufficient blood supply to the body. Pharmacological treatment for cardiac failure is dependent upon the ability to decrease rate of blood flow and blood pressure. Survival after heart failure diagnosis has improvedRead MoreThe Failure Of Heart Failure1517 Words   |  7 PagesABSTRACT Heart failure is one of the leading causes of mortality, both globally and in New Zealand. It is defined as the inability of the heart to meet the bodies metabolic need for oxygen and is characterised by a decrease in cardiac output. The body has many intrinsic mechanisms to attempt to maintain cardiac output, including activating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). The RAAS cascade acts to restore cardiac output by increasing fluid retention, thus increasing blood volume andRead MoreThe Failure Of Heart Failure999 Words   |  4 Pagesprocess is the heart, which by using the cardiovascular system supplies every other system throughout the body with the oxygen and nutrients by pumping them throughout the blood. When the demand is not met or the supply is too great it can be considered heart failure. Understandably heart failure is a worrisome term. To think one of your most vital organs is failing and unable to provide what is needed for basic survival is terrifying. However; there are many stages of heart failure that can rangeRead MoreThe Failure Of Heart Failure2760 Words   |  12 PagesCongestive heart failure, also called heart failure or CHF, is one of the fastest-growing syndromes in the United States and worldwide. It is a condition with high hospitalization and high mortality rates as well as a compound medical regimen that significantly affects the patient’s lifestyle and that of their family. The term alone, â€Å"heart failure†, is enough to scare the bravest client and cause the rise of numberless concerns and questions. Patients may worry and exclaim, â€Å"Did my heart stop workingRead MoreHeart Failure2128 Words   |  9 PagesNurse Driven Education for A Patient Diagnosed With Chronic Systolic Heart Failure Refusing Diagnostic and Interventiona l Procedures Heather Horsley Wilkes University School of Nursing Abstract Heart failure (HF) is a chronic progressive disease, arising from structural or functional disorders of the heart, in which incidence increases with age. This review attempts to describe the types and causes of HF while focusing on variable aspects of patient education that have a positive effect onRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure1262 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Almost every one in the United States knows a person suffering from congestive heart failure. This disease has manifested its way into the lives of so many—the statistics are astounding. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, nearly 5 million people are affected and it is the main reason for hospital admission in older adults over the age of 65. This is a great cause for concern. In order to reduce the morbidity and control this epidemic, we must first understandRead MoreHeart Failure : A Progressive Heart Disease2263 Words   |  10 PagesHeart Failure is a progressive heart disease when the muscle of the heart is weakened so that it cannot pump blood as it should; the blood backs up into the blood vessels around the lungs and the other parts of the body (NHS Choice, 2015). In heart failure, the heart is not able to maintain a normal range cardiac output to meet the metabolic needs of the body (Kemp and Conte, 2012). Heart failure is a major worldwide pu blic health problem, it is the end stage of heart disease and it could lead toRead MoreFailure Of Congestive Heart Failure1149 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Congestive Heart Failure is the Inability of the heart to maintain the demands of pumping blood with normal efficiency to other organs, such as the brain, liver, and kidneys (Congestive heart failure, 2008). Without the heart carrying out its functions, all the organs in the body would be deprived of sufficient blood to do its work, the kidney will no longer filter its blood leading to fluid accumulation in areas such as the lungs, liver, legs, and surrounding eye, when this

Gulf Integration Industry Consulting Project for Saudi Business

Question: Discuss about theGulf Integration Industry Consulting Project for Saudi Business. Answer: Overview Founded in the year 2012 by one of the most prominent Saudi Business Groups, Gulf integration is a multinational business heavily invested in the Gulf regions energy sector ( 2017). The company is headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with 6 key branches in different parts of the Kingdom ( 2017). The organization operates under a diversified business model with 6 independent business units that are seamlessly integrated together to ensure that the company is able to achieve its objective of obtaining unrivalled success in its areas of operations ( 2017). The 6 key business units under the companys umbrella are power and energy, sports accessories, Telecom and IT services, Management Consulting, Electro mechanical solution, Management consulting and Pharmaceutical. This paper seeks to provide a pictured organizational chart describing Gulf Integration modus operandi, the industry context under which it operates and the compan ys nature. The paper will also highlight the connection between the author and the company. Industry Context in which Gulf Integration Operates Unlike most companies in the Saudi Kingdom which focus primarily on the construction and energy sectors, Gulf Integration has effectively diversified its product portfolio. Due to its diversification, the company operates in 6 different industries representing its key business units. The company has significant interest in the Oil and Gas sector where it is investing in the production of alternative forms of energy. The company also has interest in the Telecommunications and IT industry where it deals in the design, sales, implementation and maintenance of data and communication solutions. Another industry in which the business operates in is the sporting industry where through it provides quality solutions for sporting fields. Other industries where the company has interests in include the pharmaceutical industry, ISO compliant Industries, Construction industry, Health and Education Industry and Power and Energy Industry. Gulf Integration Modus Oparandi Connection with Industry Gulf Integrations main responsibility is the coordination of its different business units to ensure that they operate effectively. As a result of this, Gulf Integration operates more like a coordinator of its 6 key business units. The company seeks to ensure that its global network is able to operate effectively with little complication and that its clients obtain the best of services that are in the market (Koch et al., 2015). As a citizen of Saudi Arabia, I greatly admire the company because of its desire to integrate the different key sectors in the countrys economy. Through its actions the company demonstrates how the different aspect of Saudi Arabias economy can coordinate with each other to ensure economic progress (Wright 2016). I got the opportunity to work in the company through its internship program and through this opportunity I was able to learn of how the various sectors of the countrys economy interrelate with each other. The business model employed by the company is quite important as it helps to ensure continued operations and survivability of a country even when one sector of the economy experiences a downfall. This is currently being witnessed in the oil and gas industry which has been struck by a significant decline in prices due to global over production (Baumeister, and Kilian 2016). Bibliography (2017). Gulf Integration | Integrating Diversity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2017]. Baumeister, C. and Kilian, L., 2016. Understanding the Decline in the Price of Oil since June 2014.Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,3(1), pp.131-158. Koch, C., Mathiasen, J.B., Nyffeler, N. and Schorderet, A., 2015, August. Mechatronics: From systems combination to business integration. In Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2015 Portland International Conference on(pp. 1576-1584). IEEE. Wright Jr, J.W. ed., 2016.Business and economic development in Saudi Arabia. Springer.